Want to Earn From PTC?

Money on the internet
There are many ways that you can earn money from internet. One of them is PTC. Many people earning money doing this. Some people earn 10$/month with internet, but some 10,000$/Month!

PTC is Paid To click.
You get paid to view sites, normally 30 seconds. You don’t have to watch them, just click and do something else.

You can earn
On a normal site you earn 0.01$ per click and there are +- 15 ads each day.
But the more sites you’re registered on the more you earn!

What about risk?
Sometimes yes and sometimes no. Cause there are scam sites and phishing sites. Scam sites are sites that don’t payout, and phishing sites are sites with a script that remembers your password and username. Those admins watch if your login works on big earning sites like bux.to.

How they pay you?
That’s simple, you can buy referral packages and there is also another explanation:
-Advertisers pay PTC sites to let their users view their site.
-Admins are showing the ads, and giving a little bit of money to their users.

How they Earn?
They have some rates to advertisers.
For example, it’s 20$ to view your site on 1000 members.
If the site gives 0.01$ per watched site, they must give this:
1000 (members) * 0.01$ = 10$
So they earn 20$ and give away 10$.
Remember that this is for only one ad, and there are normally 15 ads a day.
Note: Remember that admins also have to pay server costs, domain names etc…

When you have a referral, you have a person that registered with your link. When you register with this link (very good PTC earn site) Bux.to than, I got one more referral. If you click an ad on bux, you get 0.01$ and also I get 0.01$ (this is a sort of thanks from bux that I showed you the way to their site!)

To Start
You have to first make online account in www.paypal.com, www.alertpay.com and www.e-gold.com. You need these accounts to receive payouts from PTC sites.

Sign Up
There are lot many sites out but you better check that those are not scam, before you join there.

As I said now just have to login and click paid ads to get paid. You have to view them for about 30 second. This way you can start your earning.

Tip to Clicking your ads
Click and view more than one site at a time. I recommend open at least four different ptc site at a time, then signup and start clicking ads. This way you can view four diffrenet ads of 30 second at a time, saves your valuable time and no risk or problem at all. More you can view ads at a time, more time you can save.

Getting Referrals
Now as I said earlier thet somebody earns $10/month where somebody earning $10,000/month. Its all depends on your effort to click ads by yourself and advertise your refferal link to get refferals.

But getting and searching for referrals is not easy.
You have to find something original.
Like, be the first to find a new Paid To Click site and promote it on PTC forums (search google) on PTC forums, there is mostly a category referral chains.
Post your link there with some information and you will get 1 referral (the person under you)
Note: With new sites you aren’t sure if it’s scam or phishing, so beware.

You can also look for a category named ‘referral exchange’ or something similar.
You can trade for example one of your links with someone else (I register yours if you register mine)

You can also start a blog or a website, etc…

Now, the rest is up to yours!
I hope you have got something on this tutorial and remember, Do not use an auto clicker your account can get banned than.

By Jim

About author: Jim(@bytetips) :: likes to write about Tips And Tutorials related topics and blog about his personal interests. And finding way to Promote Blog. He is a writer of : Bytetips

One thought on “Want to Earn From PTC?”
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