If you are Using Windows Mobile then this tips will help you to get more out of your pocket pc. I tweaked my pocket pc to improve performance and issue. By the way you can do most of this things using a free application using a freeware tool named Advanced Configuration Tool for Pocket pc. You can also check my list of Must have Freeware for Pocket PC. I found an interesting website which makes WM6.0/6.1 Registry Changer Cab. Its easy to create cab for your pocket pc from there. You can chose a lot of tweaks from there and make them a cab file. You can tweak your pocket pc Instantly by using this site. Here is the Link PPC Twek. Here is some tips if you want to do it manually.

Speed up your Display on Windows Mobile
Open your registry editor then go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\GDI\GLYPHCACHE\
Change the “limit” value as you like:
4096 : this will slow down the display, but use less memory
8192 : this is the default value on Pocket PC, average memory/performances
16384 : this will speed up the display, but use more memory, twice the default Pocket PC value
32768 : Or even more
After setting the value Reboot your pocket pc and and have fun.

Disable window animations To Improve performance
This trick will speed up performance of the UI on your pocket pc. To disable window animations on your pocket pc use this trick:
To disable go to
then set the DWORD decimal to 0
To enable Window animation again:
then set the DWORD decimal to 1

Increase FileSystem filter cache
To enable the file system filter cacheon your pocket pc, speeding up overall performance with file management. Open your Pocket pc registry Editor then go to:
then set the DWORD decimal to 4096
To return the file system filter cache to zero:
then set the DWORD decimal to 0

Enable IE faster caching


Internet Settings\AggressiveCache=1

Disable SMS threading in WM6.1

Create binary value:



SMS Delivery notifications

Messaging -> Text Messages -> Menu -> Tools -> Options -> * Text Messages -> and then just tick at “Request delivery notifications.

By Jim

About author: Jim(@bytetips) :: likes to write about Tips And Tutorials related topics and blog about his personal interests. And finding way to Promote Blog. He is a writer of : Bytetips

One thought on “Tweak Your windows Mobile smart phone / Pocket pc”
  1. I have a very BIG problem! Somehow, my 3 yr. old son has hacked into my verizon pocket PC xv 6700! How? Your guess is as good as mine! Anyways, after I start it up, it now asks me 4 the ‘NEW’ password my clever son has given me…i just dont know what word/number jumbles he used! I have VERY important info on my phone, HELP! How do i hack into my own phone? Please email with ANY suggestions: [email protected]

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