Do you know how to win every fight on Mafia wars game on Facebook? – lots of users have asked me this question. I always said there is no cheat to win every fight on mafia wars .  But there is a way to win every fight on mafia wars. I am going to explain it here… So follow the steps and have fun .. By the way here are some other cheats for mafia wars.

Top Mafia wars Cheat Tools

First Step – Get lots of mafia wars friends : Make sure that you have about thousands of mafia wars members ( this is important!!). The more members you have … the better result you will get. I have about 3000 mafia wars members on my account. If you need mafia wars members quickly..This will help you get more members. to avoid spam add a second email address to your account then submit that email. I got around 1500 members in a week.

use this link :

Update : Monkey Tooth is down for some reason .. use the alternate link…
Here is a screenshot from Monkey tooth :

Add Friend mafiawars

Add you e-mail address and activate it from your inbox. Also copy paste the email list to invite as friend for mafia wars.

Second Step – Fight to win : In this step i am going to show your some details about mafia wars tips for fights..  so that you can win every fight.. I won102 fights in a row.

1. Go to mafiawars fight tab it will look something like this Picture :


2. Now find a opponent with lower mafia members then yours. Pick an player who have 1 to 250 mafia members. And fight to win. I have highlighted some examples on the picture. I used player id with 300 defense and 250 attack skill. And have lots mafia members. I can win every fight by attacking mafia lower then 250 members.

I hope this little trick will help you to build stronger mafia and have fun with winning every fight on mafia wars.

By Jim

About author: Jim(@bytetips) :: likes to write about Tips And Tutorials related topics and blog about his personal interests. And finding way to Promote Blog. He is a writer of : Bytetips

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