Here are some Tips to fix Frustrating DLL Errors on windows.

“The file ntdll.dll is missing”

“Framedyn.dll file not found”

“This application failed to start, an important component wmp.dll is missing. Reinstalling the application may fix the error.”

Have DLL errors, such as the ones above become a part of your daily computing life?

For all the good associated with using a computer, one can’t deny the fact that it can be a persistent source of trouble when it comes to encountering errors on a regular basis.

Though there are many types of errors, DLL errors happen to be the most frustrating ones of all. For example, the framedyn.dll error is encountered many times during normal computer use.

The good thing is that you can handle these errors on your own no matter what your skill level by following the steps listed below.

  • Registry cleanup – The registry happens to be the most important part of the Windows system, and it houses information for all types of settings and processes. So, if your system shows a welcome screen when you log in, and knows what to do when you press a certain key combination, it is thanks to the registry. However, over time, the registry starts losing some of its values, and it can be a source of many system errors, such as wmp.dll file errors. To avoid this, you should invest in a good registry cleaner, and scan the registry regularly for problems. Such software will also fix and optimize the registry, all with the click of a mouse. But do make sure that you download software only from reliable sources.
  • Antivirus – We all know the importance of a good antivirus tool, but we often find that the protection offered by it is inadequate, and problems keep resurfacing despite our best efforts. The reason being is that not all anti-virus software are equal in their abilities. You should not use freeware anti-virus tools, as they are limited in their effectiveness. Opt for a professional antivirus only. At the same time, it is vital to have a good internet connection and update the antivirus daily for the latest virus definitions.
  • Driver update – Drivers need to be updated regularly to prevent errors like the ntdll.dll error from frequently cropping up. In any system, when the hardware keeps getting upgraded regularly, many times the drivers are not. This inadvertently results in a situation where the system becomes slow. When the old drivers don’t locate the old DLLs anymore, they start generating numerous serious system errors that can be annoying for the user. You should invest in dependable third-party software to automatically upgrade all your system drivers. Since the drivers are available for free, it shouldn’t be a problem.

The steps described above clearly show that it is actually very easy to take care of all the errors in a Windows system, and that no computer expert is needed to make sure that the system functions well. It is just a matter of doing some research and following preventative steps to ensure that errors do not occur in the future.

By Jim

About author: Jim(@bytetips) :: likes to write about Tips And Tutorials related topics and blog about his personal interests. And finding way to Promote Blog. He is a writer of : Bytetips

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