I found some Tiki resort cheat for facebook. Its takes 5-6 minutes to get unlimited tiki shells. You can also gain levels quickly. In this post i am sharing some tiki resort cheats for facebook.
Tiki Resort cheats

Note: This cheat is still working..(July 02). I am not responsible for what you do with this information.. Its for fun only..

We are going to use Cheat Engine 5.6 and Internet Explorer. Download Cheat Engine from here: http://www.cheatengine.org/downloads.php

Install the software on your pc then Follow the steps bellow to get unlimited tiki resort shells / coin..

First Step : Open Internet Explorer browser and start Tiki Resort game on facebook. To continue you need some trash on your tiki resort  .

Tiki Resort cheats

Now start Cheat engine program > Click on the the little Flashing Computer icon.

Second Step : Go to You will see a window with process list. Select internet explorer from there. Look at the picture bellow ..

Tiki Resort Cheat Engine

Then click On Open. The select Double from the value Type and type in you current Tiki shell amount. Take a look at the picture bellow..

Click on First Scan Button. You will get some Memory address on the left.

Third Step : Now clean one of the trash from your Tiki Resort Island. You will gain some coins. Type in your new coin amount and click on Next Scan Button.  There should be 1 address remain on the left. Double click it and the address should go below box.
Cheat engine Tiki resort

Now  Doubble click on value and change that to 9999999 . Then tick on the frozen Tab. Clean another trash and watch you money growing. You can also cheat your levels in the same way. I shall add that later.. Share this with your facebook friends and have fun with tiki resort cheat code.

By Jim

About author: Jim(@bytetips) :: likes to write about Tips And Tutorials related topics and blog about his personal interests. And finding way to Promote Blog. He is a writer of : Bytetips

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