This my second post of my plan for getting more web traffic. You can read the last post about secrets of Writing unique popular article here. If you got a nice unique content then you should apply this methods to promote your post. It’s my own plan to get some more ranking and traffic from search engine. Advertising is all about spreading content to the world. Advertising is an art to promote the sales of a product or service. Traffic is the most important part to get more from your blog. It doesn’t matter if you are the greatest writer in the world, if nobody sees it. Web traffic is important for making money Online. If you have adsense on websites or blog, web traffic is very important to make some revenue. This month i reached my Bandwidth limit… Last month i had 4 gigs of bandwidth out of 7 gigs. Now i think that my plan is working for me. Hope it worked for you too.I was looking for a way to to get a large amount of traffic for my blog.There are many ways you can get traffic. Here is some methods I applied to increase traffic on website.

Quick traffic through social media : At first I targeted social media sites to collect some good traffic. Best of all it’s free. There are lots of social media sites to spread content. You have to create an email account in free e-mail service provider like yahoo or Gmail. The main purpose of new email account to maintain advertisement in social media and advertising from this email account. yourself from others. Then create some account in Social media sites like  stumble upon, Digg, Myspace, Face Book Etc using that email account. To get traffic from this sites will take some time. But this is the most effective way to spread your blog post to the world. Here a list of100  Best social media sites with Alexa ranking I got from browsing. . After creating account on some social media sites you have to add some friends. Add 3 to 5 friends every day on those account. Make sure you become active in those sites. Share their favorites and write comments about their favorites. By doing this you can earn some good friends and you can gain their trust. If you add five friends in your account, you can get 150 friends in a month. By the end of the year you can get 1800 friend . Try to share and promote your site links while making friends. But be careful about this sites. Don’t try to spam social media sites. Or else users of social media sites will bury your post. But don’t worry  if you have a good content. You can also find some friends and visitors who will submit your site content and links to social media sites. Add social media button on your blog. Some times I get about 2k hits on some of my content. So you should try every social media sites as much as you can. you can alsouse service like SocialMarker, Social PosterOnlyWire to make social media advertising easy. Before i wrote about social media on my web traffic section.

Push readers to advertise for your blog :  Do you know the power of giving away? If you don’t know the power of  giving away, I shall try to explain it here. Few days ago I noticed that freeware sites gets a lof of hits from search engine. Everyone likes the word free. At first collect or Make some free templates on a folder. To do so you have to use your search power. After collecting some popular design and themes you can share them with an eye catching title like Hot collection of best Templates or The best design you can’t beat Etc. then try to spread them using social media method. This free things will take your internet advertising on a new level. Your blog visitors will share your all in one collection  to the forums, blog etc and they will do free online advertising for you. From that you will pick up some handy traffic. Now you can save your money if you are using pay per click advertising.

Linking one post to another: At first you have to track your best articles from your blog. Use a good plugin or service for your blog / site. Then make a list of  popular post. Then select some keywords from those articles. After selecting some keywords write on those keywords using popular post writing method. Then link and recommend them to the visitors. But only link quality articles to gain the trust of your visitors. This method of internal linking will boost your page views. This will convert your one reader to a regular visitor. If you are serving ads on your blog the you can get some more revenue from your articles. So have fun with linking one post o another.

Use the power of RSS feed: one of the best way to spread your post is your Rss feed. Ping and syndicate your rss feed to spread your articles. There are couple ways to get benefit from your RSS feed. Add a rss subscribe link or button on your blog or posts. Encourage them to subscribe your rss. RSS will help your visitors to find new updates on your blog post. Use service Like feed burner to maximize your rss link subscription. A blog visitors becomes an regular visitor through RSS feeds. Use a free service like Ping-O-Matic to notify different rss search engines that your blog has been updated.

Those are some simple methods to free advertising. Currently i am testing other advertising methods. I shall try to add more on this As soon as i finish my test.

By Jim

About author: Jim(@bytetips) :: likes to write about Tips And Tutorials related topics and blog about his personal interests. And finding way to Promote Blog. He is a writer of : Bytetips

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