Submit your Tips And Article

Suggest A Tutorial

Have something you want to see a tutorial for? Got ideas for articles, tutorials or even to improve this site? Make a suggestion here. I can’t make any promise, but I shall try to write about That topic. I am Out of Idea!

Write A Tutorial

If you have tutorials to share with us, please Submit Your Tutorial Here. We love to hear about it. Just click here and let us know. Write about An informative article of general interest to PC users, how-to guide or tutorial ETC . In return for your Tutorials and Articles I will link back to your blog/s in the article you submitted to promote you and your site. The posts you submit on this blog, they must be your original work.Please Do not submit tutorial Copied from other sites. Only Tutorials Written by you.

Here is the Terms :

  1. Your posts must fit into available categories.
  2. Submit your post in English. The content must be detailed and unique
  3. All updates will be done by our Team..
  4. We have the rights to Accept or Reject Post. After we publish your submitted article, we fully own the content. you cannot publish the same content again to other sites.
  5. Article should contain more than 350 words and maximum of 1 outbound links.

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