There are many different types of applications on your Windows computer that enable you to perform various tasks. Some of these applications, such as Internet Explorer and Outlook Express are installed along with your operating system and some of them, such as Microsoft Office and Antivirus utility can be installed later if you choose to add them. Additionally, there are a few applications that usually come preinstalled, especially on branded computers, which may have tools and utilities to help you maintain the PC.

Application errors occur when certain conditions are not met while you run one of the applications on your PC. For a better understanding, let us have a look at some examples:

Example 1: “Iexplore.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.”

You usually encounter this error, when you are logged on as a limited user and you have BuyersPort, Morpheus, Morpheus Shopping Club, or WURLD Shopping Community Internet Explorer Brower Help Objects (BHOs) installed on your computer. BHOs try to update system files and registry entries and both these tasks require administrative privileges. Because you are logged on as a limited user, BHO is unable to update system files and registry entries. As a result, the error message is displayed and Internet Explorer stops working.

To fix iexplore.exe application error, you will have to remove the BHO that is generating the error from your computer. To do this, you will have to first log on the PC with an administrator user account.

Example 2: Ikernel.exe Application Error. The instruction at "0x771c741a" referenced memory at "0x00163b60" The memory could not be “read”. Click on OK to terminate the program.”

This error message may be displayed when installing a software on a Windows XP SP1 with Windows XP Hotfix Q328310 installed. The hotfix conflicts with the InstallShield Professional engine because in its presence, a call to the Win32 API FreeLibrary does not execute as per expectation.

To resolve this issue, you must first uninstall hotfix Q328310 from your PC and then install your software. However, remember to reinstall the hotfix after the software installation is complete. This is essential in order to have your computer running without the problems that are fixed by the hotfix.

Example 3: Symantec Tamper Protection Alert Error Displayed with "IPSSVC.EXE (PID xxx)"

Ipssvc.exe or IPS Core Service is a VPN client service developed by Lancom. The service comes preinstalled on Lenovo Thinkpads. The Symantec Tamper protection alert is displayed on some Lenovo Thinkpads when their is Symantec software running along with the Ipssvc.exe service. To resolve this ipssvcexe error, you need to update to ThinkVantage Maintenance Manager version

Malware infections and registry malfunction are also a major cause of many application errors. This is the reason why as a vigilant user, it is essential that you protect your PC from these problems. Two essential tools that users need today to combat malware are antivirus and antispyware. You must keep these tools updated with the latest definitions and schedule them to run at regular intervals. Also, to prevent registry problems, we recommended that you use reliable registry tools to scan and clean your registry regularly.

By Jim

About author: Jim(@bytetips) :: likes to write about Tips And Tutorials related topics and blog about his personal interests. And finding way to Promote Blog. He is a writer of : Bytetips

2 thoughts on “Steps To Solve PC Application Errors”
  1. Increasing memory by up to 1383275 words may improve performance.
    Not enough memory to run at all: LenERI= 5727590
    Increase memory by 1383275 words.
    Error termination via Lnk1e in C:\G03W\l906.exe at Tue Dec 07 13:17:45 2010.
    please i need a solution

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