Today i am going to share some serious cheat code script and bookmarklet for Mafia wars games on face book. Now you can do a lot of things like ..

* You can get free Blackmail Photos, Bodyguards ETC.

* Get thousands of  mafia wars  friends without any adding them as a facebook friend  and lot more

Top Mafia wars Cheat Tools

For free god father point and Energy pack read this: Mafia wars tips tricks Part one and Part two

Note: Use this tricks at you own risk ..

Get 100’s of free Mafia wars Item:

Get lots of free item to finish some job in mafia wars. so no more begging and screaming for special loot items.. choose the gift you like.. Here is the tutorial source with the picture

Grow your mafia family clicking a button:
Update: This topic was so hot that i got lots of hits in a few hour.. Zynga fixed the bug.. Now you can only add facebook friends.. sorry guys.. but chek time to time ..
Get thousands of mafia wars friends without any adding them as a facebook friend using this tool. To get more info and tutorial on this tool go to this link

If found this facebook page with lots of best tools and tutorials for Mafia wars.
I shall try to add more resource for Mafia wars online games.. Have fun.. for now..

By Jim

About author: Jim(@bytetips) :: likes to write about Tips And Tutorials related topics and blog about his personal interests. And finding way to Promote Blog. He is a writer of : Bytetips

10 thoughts on “Must have tools and cheat codes resources for Mafia wars on Facebook”
  1. How do I or can you send me the link ot code tio win every fight & a link or code for a lot of GF points! I’d really appreciate it, I am a level 150 +%3$ “912 3r@@ mafia! Will you pimp me out % want the max FB allows$
    Thank you!
    Kevin Rabedeay

  2. i really need help with up grade of loot and finding it plus really need GF point and how to get them more easy if anyone can help please tell me some tricks

  3. So I wanted to say that I am impressed with this. Its very well done and what not and im glad people put this much dedication into this. One thing thoe… the part on how “everyone” should attack and rob someone because of their name seemed like someone trying to get others to hate…because of words. Yeah they have a name like that but in the end its just a made up name and ya if you get offended by that then you have a sad life. Just play the game and stop worrying about eveyone else. Hence its a game…They will always be there to do so and if you dont pay any attention to them then they dont win. They only do it for the simple reason of getting your attention and the more you show to them the more they are going to be satisfied. So really if you dont want to deal with them, then just leave them alone. You hating someone cus of a name is basically the same level as being predujice. So you are no better then them….

  4. Hi,

    I got auto hit listed by this fake account on my MW whenever i login MW.
    I know who is the person behind this and i wish to do back the same to his real MW account.
    May i know how to use these against him?

    Greatly appreciated.
    Thank you.

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