Do you know about Microsoft’s upcoming free security software?  Few days ago I was trying to find the best  Anti-VirusMSE soft and security software for my clients. That time i found that Microsoft is going to stop selling Microsoft OneCare Anti-Virus software. Instead of OneCare Microsoft is going to release a free alternative security software named Microsoft Security Essentials.Some sites claimed that Microsoft Security Essentials would be available by the end of 2009. Public Beta is available from Microsoft. It’s better than nothing. I hope this will help Windows user to protect their from virus, malware, adware, anti-spyware.

I saw lots of people are interested about free anti-virus solution for their pc. It would be nice if Microsoft provide a good security software for windows Users. Microsoft Security Essentials would be available for Windows Xp, Windows vista and Windows 7. I tried Microsoft Security Essentials Beta its nice and simple. But there is lots more.. Here are some sreenshot of Microsoft Security Essentials:

Installer Window :

Microsoft Security Essentials

Software Window: Here is the software interface

Morro or MSE

It was code named ‘Morro ‘ then Microsoft changed it to Microsoft Security essentials. To get more info and about this visit:

Microsoft :
Facebook Page :

By Jim

About author: Jim(@bytetips) :: likes to write about Tips And Tutorials related topics and blog about his personal interests. And finding way to Promote Blog. He is a writer of : Bytetips

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