I got a request about writing some tips for Mafia wars (popular Online Game). I played this game on facebook. In this post i shall try to add some links and tips for Mafia Wars.

Note: zynga has changed some of these cheats..  i am trying to get the latest link for god father points and energy link.

Tips to Add Mafia Family without Adding as a friend: If You follow this tips you don’t have to add friends in order to add them to your Mafia. Share your  invitation link on your facebook profile and let others know that they can add you by clicking on the link.. If any mafia wars player clicks on your invitation link he or she will add you to their mafia without being your friend. Follow this steps :

1. First login to Face book account and take you mouse pointer over Settings.You will see a menu like this:


Then click on Privacy Settings and click on Profile.

2. Now you will see a new window with profile privacy. Now click on Basic Info and choose “everyone” from the drop down menu. After that click on Status and Links and choose “everyone” from the drop down menu. It will like (Check Highlighted Items) this:


4. Scroll down and click on SAVE CHANGES. Now go to mafia wars and go to your My Mafia page. Click on the blue button to give Mafia Wars permission to set your status. Click the button a second time to set the status message. It will set your invitation link something like this.. Join My Mafia:

http://apps.facebook.com/inthemafia/status_invite.php?from=(your ID)

Get Energy Pack for Mafia Wars Easily : Now you don’t have to wait for some one to send you energy pack… But remember that you can use one energy pack every 24 hours. Copy and paste this link to your address bar.


Get Five Free Godfather Points for One time: Do you want to get free god Father points? You can receive five free God father points from Zynga. The link only works 1 time. Go to this link and you will receive 5 god father points if you didn’t received it yet.


I shall try to add some more so stay tuned.. for more Mafia wars cheat and Tips..

Update: Check this post for Mafia wars cheat Tools and hints (as i promised).

By Jim

About author: Jim(@bytetips) :: likes to write about Tips And Tutorials related topics and blog about his personal interests. And finding way to Promote Blog. He is a writer of : Bytetips

39 thoughts on “Mafia wars cheats and tips for Facebook Part One”
  1. I want to know if you can email me the cheat for unlimited health & never lose a fight!! I really appreciate all the help you are giving me & everyone! I am a level 136 With 30000 ;&5%& a would love for you to hook me up!
    Thanks, Kevin

    1. Thanks for the kind word Kevin. I don’t know the way to get unlimited health… But i saw some people who managed to get 400 level in 6-7 days. Just use all your experience point on energy and add as many friends as you can.

  2. @ Jim: Is there a limit to the number of frieds you can add in a day.. I heard about pink slips all the time

    1. I saw the add limit somewhere.. but i can’t remember… it was around 10 but if you need mafia wars members quickly.. use this link : http://mafia.monkeytooth.net this will help you get more members. to avoid spam add a second email address to your account then submit that email. I got around 1500 members in a week.

  3. I went through all the steps to add mafia without adding them as a friend, however my mafia size has not increased. How long does it typically take? Also, do they just show up or do I need to do something else? Thanks so much for the tips and your time 🙂

    1. when someone from clicks on the link they will add you to their mafia… But i am so sorry to say that, from yesterday zynga changed some code. They are closing this cheat. Now only only friends can add by clicking the link. if you need some mafia friends quickly then add a second email address to your account and go to http://mafia.monkeytooth.net then add your email address you will get lot of add friend request for mafia wars.

  4. it wont work four me. when i do the energy one it just brings me to a blank page that has the numbers 500 in it, plus the 5 god father points wont work ether… help? or explain?

  5. may i know how to add a friend in my mafia without adding it to my facebook account?
    i heard about copy and paste the id of that user but i don’t know where to paste it ?///
    please help

  6. Autoplayer is not working. All the time the page keeps on refreshing & neither energy nor stamina is consumed.
    Please help on this…
    Add friend link posted on “bytetips” is also not working. when u open a user link the last nine characters r not digits. its a mix of letters n digits…
    Please advise…

  7. When mafia wars made their update about 2 weeks ago and then changed back it made me to where I can not click on any of the links to ask for jobs. Most of the time they do not work and if they do it just takes me to my mafia update page. I also can not ask for help in wars or gift my people if they should find their way to it and I win. Just will not let me click on the buttons for the links. Then they added the NY laundering and I was able to loot some of the items and do the laundering, but I did not have the collections bar under the lotto collections so I could not see them. A few days ago they added my collection bar and I have not been able launder any money therefore I can not loot any of the items. It tells me I have already looted enough and I have not as I can not get it to work for me. Then they added some stuff yesterday for the holidays and now I can no longer post my wishlist. This just sucks. What can I do? I really like this game and want to play it. I have Windws XP and am using the updated google. My husband has a user ID on this same computer and he has no problems with his mafia Wars. I tried to make another user ID to see it it was something within mine, but it did not work their either, so it is my mafia wars. What in the world could it be that my links will not work? They are just frozen; stuck; or just not there.

    Thank you for your help.


    1. you said your husband have no problem playing mafia wars..!! Clear your browser history, then try again t should work. And use Firefox to play mafiawars. It should fix the problem.

  8. Facebook has recently changed its layout do you know how to currently use that cheat?

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