Check here for some cool Mafiawars Cheats for Facebook. I am playing  Mafia wars on face book..if you are playing Mafia Wars on Facebook and know some excellent tricks for this online game let me know..

Few days ago i shared some links and tricks about Free Godfather points and Energy packs here: Mafia wars cheats and Hints for Facebook. Also added ultimate cheat tools for mafia wars and Trick to win every fight on Mafiawars.I hope that helped you guys a little. Today i am going to share some random tips and tricks for mafia Wars.

Mafia wars Facebook Cheat tool

Another Link for Easy Energy pack For Mafia Wars
At first log in to face book and Copy and paste this link to your address bar and hit Enter to get your energy pack every 24 hours.

If this link doesn’t work you can do another trick. You can ask your friend for energy pack or you can create another Facebook account and send an energy pack for your mafia wars.. But be careful you might get banned from Facebook for creating second Facebook account.

Tips for Mafia wars Cuba:
Recently Zynga opened a new beta named Mafia Wars: Cuba. Mafia Wars: Cuba is currently in Beta. I am playing that game on Facebook for fun.. In Cuba, Cuban Pesos are limited. You gotta save the Cuban is some tips for Mafia wars Cuba:

1. The fastest way to earn pesos in Cuba is to fight other mafia..So fight and buy some business on Mafia wars Cuba.

2. When you are injured in a fight, don’t go to hospital on Mafia wars Cuba. To save Pesos fly back to NY and heal your player.

3. Earn My Little Friend Achievement easily.. like gifting an M16A1 to a friend. Tell your friend to send it back.. Doing this he or she can earn the My Little Friend achievement.

So build your mafia in Cuba before.. others..

Use Mafia wars Auto player

Mafia wars Facebook Cheat tool

Did you hard about Mafia wars auto player Scripts.. Before you try that i have to warn you about Zynga terms and conditions.. You might get banned for using any script..  Anyway i posted an picture of this mafia wars auto player Tool. This tool can auto play you mafia wars game according to you saved settings.. To install this tool you need to use Mozilla Firefox. Follow this steps to to install this tool for Mafia wars..

1. Download and install Mozilla Firefox Browser.. If you are using Firefox then go to second step.

2. Now install Greasemonkey Add-on for Firefox. Here the link for Greasemonkey: Go to this link and click on Add to Firefox and install the add-on and restart Firefox.
3. Now go to and click on Green Install button now it will a window will appear.. click on install button from the window.
4. Now go to Facebook and log in to your account. On your facebook homepage: Hold Ctrl, then click on your “Mafia Wars” bookmark. This will prevent the application from shrinking into a bar. Now go to mafia wars you will see some new link named Auto Play Settings, … … Instructions for this Mafia wars auto player (cheating tool) can be found at the following link..
@ everyone: check their forum for latest update. Here is the link. I found beta script from their site and it was working when i tested that… or check here
Setup your own settings to cheat mafia wars game on Facebook. And have fun..

One of our reader shared some tips about Mafia wars auto player settings..
Your settings will depend on where you are at in the game and how often you will be checking on it. The tool does not make complex decisions, it just runs and auto selects things. Most default settings are ok and if you have a question about what a selection does then hover over the checkbox/dropdown/textbox for an explanation.

Here some settings that I have changed:
1. I have Cuba auto bank at $5000 instead of 50000 – I was losing $ from fights and didn’t like that.
2. Since I check on it often I like to have the tool auto-pause after level up so that I can manually spend the Energy depending on whether I need particular loot or am working on finishing a particular tier.
3. I have the tool set to not auto-purchase Properties but I have set it to auto-fix and auto-protect. The money just needs to be in the bank and it will withdraw what is needed.
4. When I know I won’t be able to check on the auto-process for a long length of time I set the tool to auto-run a job with high energy to exp. ratio. And, also one that doesn’t expend a special loot item like Concealable Camera, Untraceable Cell-phone, etc. The reason is that if I run out of that item it won’t continue to run the job thereby defeating the purpose of the tool.
5. A good tip is to adjust the Stamina settings so that you aren’t fighting huge mafias, especially if you aren’t maxed out in your own. Set the maximum Mafia setting to a number well below your own to ensure you are winning fights.
6. Disable “All” notifications and Gift wall posts. These are not necessary.

I could go on with everything I think about when selecting things but you are better off trying it out and learning the hard/fun way.

Mafia wars and Farmville wall auto helper for Facebook
Mafia wars wall auto gift accept

This facebook script that can automatically accept gift and send gift request for Mafia Wars and FarmVille. It collects all the Mafia wars Bonus, Loots and Reward from facebook wall. This cheat code script will accept all Face Book friend requests, gifts, mystery bags, farmville request and lots more. toknow more about this script read here : Mafia wars and Farmville wall auto helper.

Mafia Wars Auto Help cheat code for Facebook

This script will auto help you to do friends jobs, gets free boosts . It can also helps your friends in mafia wars declared wars. It can collect special bonus items and rewards from your Facebook wall. Now You don’t have to go through all the posts made by your mafia wars friends. Find out more here Mafia Wars Auto Help cheat.
Get Lots of mafia wars Friend Request :
If you need mafia wars members quickly.. use this link : this will help you get more members. to avoid spam add a second email address to your account then submit that email. I got around 1500 members in a week.

Ho to win every fight on mafia wars : Some readers have asked me how to win every fight on Mafia wars. Here is a little trick to win every fight mafiawars.

Adding mafia without adding as friend :

This cheat is not Working after Latest Zynga Update.  One of our reader (John Thomas) shared this trick. Thanks john for adding this trick. You can check the comment below… Have you ever wanted to increase the size of your mafia without having to add weirdos from facebook on to your friends list.   You can actually do this.

Copy the link below:">*

* This is where you insert a players ID number e.g 123456789

This will add the user to your mafia and won’t add that user as a friend in Facebook.

To find a users id number, right click that user and open the link in a new window.

The last 9 digits is that users id number.

copy this number and it to the end of this address and press enter and that user will now be apart of your mafia"> 9digit id number here)

That’s all for today.. stay tuned.. more tools to come..

By Jim

About author: Jim(@bytetips) :: likes to write about Tips And Tutorials related topics and blog about his personal interests. And finding way to Promote Blog. He is a writer of : Bytetips

199 thoughts on “Mafia wars cheats and Hints for Facebook part two”
  1. I am using the recommended auto play program – it has been working perfectly until I got to level 24 – it for some reason will not “fight” anyone anymore. I made adjustments thinking that was why and I cannot get it to start up. It continues to do everything else though… Suggestions?

    1. Try to install update for the Mafia wars auto player script.. To update the auto play program click on Auto play settings.. and click on update button then follow the instruction.. then restart your browser it should work now..

  2. There was a problem with the fight script for me too, the updated script (July 4th) fixed it so its working great for me now. Just make sure your health level is not set too high or it won’t fight for you until you heal.

        1. If you have Greasemonkey add-on installed it will works.. did you Enabled the the script from the Greasemonkey Manage user scrips menu..

    1. Your settings will depend on where you are at in the game and how often you will be checking on it. The tool does not make complex decisions, it just runs and auto selects things. Most default settings are ok and if you have a question about what a selection does then hover over the checkbox/dropdown/textbox for an explanation.

      Here some settings that I have changed:
      1. I have Cuba auto bank at $5000 instead of 50000 – I was losing $ from fights and didn’t like that.
      2. Since I check on it often I like to have the tool auto-pause after level up so that I can manually spend the Energy depending on whether I need particular loot or am working on finishing a particular tier.
      3. I have the tool set to not auto-purchase Properties but I have set it to auto-fix and auto-protect. The money just needs to be in the bank and it will withdraw what is needed.
      4. When I know I won’t be able to check on the auto-process for a long length of time I set the tool to auto-run a job with high energy to exp. ratio. And, also one that doesn’t expend a special loot item like Concealable Camera, Untraceable Cell-phone, etc. The reason is that if I run out of that item it won’t continue to run the job thereby defeating the purpose of the tool.
      5. A good tip is to adjust the Stamina settings so that you aren’t fighting huge mafias, especially if you aren’t maxed out in your own. Set the maximum Mafia setting to a number well below your own to ensure you are winning fights.
      6. Disable “All” notifications and Gift wall posts. These are not necessary.

      I could go on with everything I think about when selecting things but you are better off trying it out and learning the hard/fun way.

  3. What is with the banning multiple account. Why can’t I hae an account and then my wife, kids, etc? and they use the same PC..

    1. I shouldn’t be a problem..when you have 3 – 4 account. But i saw some people got banned for having multiple ( 10- 12 ) account… heavy spammer i guess..

      1. Hey Jim, You said about the monkey tooth link for adding mafia.. how does that work? Do I need to give the email address that I use for facebook login?

        I have been trying autoplayer for a while and its awesome

  4. Hi does this work for ?. do any of these scripts work for tagged mafia wars?. Or is there a way to modify the scripts to work with tagged?.

  5. hi !!
    i cannot save changes in my auto player.

    the following message is displayed.

    Please enter a fight level of 431 (your current level) or more for fighting.

    pls cnfm what do do.

    1. If you have to set the maximum level more than yours. Or make the maximum level be relative to your own. For example, if your level is 10, and maximum level is set to 5, opponents higher than level 15 will be avoided.


      1. i ll watch out ,but if zynga doesnt like that , they should take a look first at the guyz that are having 100 lvlz per day 😀 lol

          1. Wrong, you don’t have to cheat to get a lot of levels in a day. I can get 20+ and I don’t use any scripts whatsoever, nor do I have to be on for an extended amount of time.

  7. Hi there everyone.

    Have you ever wanted to increase the size of your mafia without having to add weirdos from facebook on to your friends list.

    You can actually do this.

    Copy the link below:*

    * This is where you insert a players ID number e.g 123456789

    This will add the user to your mafia and won’t add that user as a friend in Facebook.

    To find a users id number, right click that user and open the link in a new window.

    The last 9 digits is that users id number.

    copy this number and it to the end of this address and press enter and that user will now be apart of your mafia 9digit id number here)

    here are some working examples;

    Admin note: removed example Links because of getting complain.

    You should give it a try!

    All the best


    1. Hey John…
      People are getting their mafia wars account shut down for using that cheat. Also, I do not appreciate weirdos appearing in my mafia. You had no right to post our links! Please do NOT click on those links above!

    2. Hey John…
      How about removing my link from your post! I feel I should have the right to accept (or not) members into my family as I see fit, not have them “join” without my permission. I didn’t notice any warning in your that Zynga has banned accounts for use of this link in the past, and it has been reported that the link was reactivated inadvertently with the last update, and they are beginning to ban again.

    3. Hey John,
      How about you post up you link? I’d like to “add” you…to my attack/robbing list. Posting other peoples links is a violation of both Facebook’s and Zynga’s TOS.

        1. i download redy and im using autoplayer
          but it seem cannot follow what im set it
          how to save or how to ON what u setting to at autoplayer?

  8. hey, the id number doesnt have to be 9 digits. but thatnks for it man. really helps 😀
    i just have 1 quest. instead of adding one person to my mafia, cant i just add like a whole mafia ?

  9. hey
    how come when i fight other people i never win a lot of money. it’s either $0 or under 1000….what gives? do i have to have certain settings? im not using any cheats by the way if that makes a diff

    1. It’s because the player that you are attacking already deposited their money in the bank. The money that you are getting in every fight depends on how much money the other player that you are attacking has. If they put their money in a bank then you will get $0 every time you fight them.

    2. It’s because they put there money in their bank so no one can take it that’s the point of putting money in you bank to keep it safe from other people

  10. Is there any code or script out there from keeping a opposing mafia member that’s 300+ levels above me from continuously attacking or robbing say like 50+ times in a row? and it over and over.

    1. sorry to sat that there is no way you can prevent someone to attack you… I know it’s frustrating but nothing you can do.. Buy or collect boost for mafia wars and Upgrade your deface skill.

  11. Hey, Jim!

    Great info thanks! One question – the auto player seems to be getting “stuck” on the properties section. I can do a job and then it will resume again but once it gets to the properties section it just sits idle. Any suggestions?


    1. i am not sure what happpened.. make sure you have the latest update of this script or else report the problem about the script on userscript. If there is a problem the script developers will fix it .

  12. i do not understand how to run auto job. i dont understand the ration thing and the clik box for are a mainac and golden throne. kan sum1 plz help

  13. hi

    im not making money anymore with my properties. i was and now all of a sudden, my upkeep costs are more than my take. so what should i do, go on a crazy property spending spree? and hat shold i buy that would benefit me most?

  14. how to use it?all i want is make my mafia work some jobs automatically..please help me give me some advice and tutorials i’m just a beginner in mafia wars im just level 9..hope you can help tnx

    1. I installed the autoplayer today just to add the hide in hospital option to reduced hits placed on me. It works fine.
      But it looks like the add friends script is blocked again

  15. I am having a problem with the auto player. I had gotten a registry cleaner because Mafia wars was freezing up so much, I could hardly play it. It said the problem was in Java and then n Java and my internet settings. Now it doesn’t havee “set to ave the”add to attack list” or “add to rob list.”

  16. If you are having a war witha friend or you are helping another friend in their war when you press to attack one of their top mafia quickly press another one too and if your really quick another ( as many as you can) and well it willl attack as many as you clicked. Warning you must be really fast

  17. For a long time the auto-player gave you links to peoples FB profile from their MW profile. The last two versions haven’t. Am I missing something that needs to be checked? Or did they do away with that awesome feature? Thank you.

  18. why my autoplayer can’t fight.
    in log menu has this comment “no opponents. going to fight list.(31 times)”
    and in my setting :
    (V)spend stamina to : fight random opponents
    fight in : cuba
    maximum level : 450 (V)add my level (my level now is 432)
    maximum mafia : 501

    there are any wrong with my setting or anything else?

  19. Is anyone having issues with the autoplayer the last day or 2? Mine seems not to be able to fight and do jobs, even with the latest update today. Is it just me?

  20. my autoplayer wont fight too. help please. I use my autoplayer only for fighting because i have 320 stamina and gets boring clicking for 320 times!

  21. hey jim,
    i have the auto player on my mafia wars but it doesnt work if i exit my website. is there something in the setting i can click to fix that or do i have to just leave it on and i have gang wars do they have anything i can use for gang wars or any other cheats for mafia war or gang wars?please get back soon. and i really need friends all i have is 14mob do u have a page or something besides train websites i can go too to get new memebers?please and thank you

  22. help me!!!!!! i have installed it butafter restarting firefor reloggin to mafia wars i still cant find the auto playplay setting.

  23. Street Thug (levels 1 – 4)
    Beat up rival Gangster – .22 Pistol
    Rob a Pimp – 9mm Semi-Automatic
    Job Mastery Item – Pistol Bayonet – gives +4% damage in fights

    Associate (levels 5-8)
    Collect Protection Money – Butterfly Knife
    Rough Up Dealers – Brass Knuckles
    Take Out a Rogue Cop – .45 Revolver
    Perform a Hit – Tactical Shotgun
    Job Mastery Item – Bugatti – gives -7% damage received in fights.

    Soldier (levels 9-12)
    Destroy an Enemy Mob Hideout – C4
    Kill a Protected Snitch – Stab-Proof Vest
    Bust a Made Man out of Prison – Automatic Rifle
    Fight a Haitian Gang – Semi-Automatic Shotgun
    Clip the Irish mob’s local enforcer – Lucky Shamrock Medallion
    Steal a Tanker Truck – Firebomb
    Job Mastery Item – Golden Skull – gives you a 30 second reduction on your health regeneration timer.

    Enforcer (levels 13-17)
    Smuggle Across the Border – Armored Truck
    Rob an Electronics Store – Untraceable Cell Phone/Concealable Camera/Computer Set-up
    Job Mastery Item – Money Plate – gives a 5% discount on property purchases.

    Hitman (levels 18-24)
    Repel the Yakuza – Grenade Launcher
    Disrupt Rival Smuggling Ring – .50 Caliber Rifle
    Invade Tong-controlled Neighborhood – Armored Car
    Sell Guns to the Russian Mob – RPG Launcher
    Protect your City against a Rival Family – Bodyguards
    Assassinate Political Figure – Night Vision Goggles
    Exterminate a Rival Family – Napalm Attack
    Obtain Compromising Photos – Blackmail Photos
    Job Mastery Item – Chainsaw Bayonet – gives you a 30 second reduction on your stamina regeneration timer.

    Capo (levels 25-34)
    Steal an Air Freight Delivery – Prop Plane
    Run a Biker Gang Out of Town – Harley Davidson “Fat Boy” Motorcycle
    Steal Bank Records – Illegal Transactions Records
    Job Mastery Item – State Senator – gives you a 5% discount on property repairs.

    Consigliere (levels 35-59)
    Influence a Harbor Official – Luxury Yacht
    Ransom a Businessman’s Kids – Porche 911
    Fix the Big Game – Bookie’s Holdout Pistol
    Job Mastery Item – Helicopter – gives you a 30 second reduction on your energy regeneration timer.

    Underboss (levels 60-99)
    Break into the Armory – Humvee
    Rip Off the Armenian Mob – AR-15 Assault Rifle
    Take over an Identity Theft Ring – Falsified Documents
    Job Mastery Item – Private Island – gives you a 5% bonus on job experience

    Boss (levels 100+)
    Buy Off a Federal Agent – Federal Agent
    Make a Deal with the Mexican Cartel – Private Jet
    Blackmail the District Attorney – Police Cruiser
    Shake Down a City Council Member – Armored Limousine
    Job Mastery Item – Golden Throne – gives you 2x the energy regenerated per regeneration period

    1. What job, pray tell, in the Enforcer Level do you do to get the Wire Tap Device?

      Much thanls in advaance for looking out!

  24. hello i was wondering if anyone knows how to change: what items are used in attack and defence, i have some items that are stronger then the ones i am currently using, i would like to upgrade some of those items! thanks.

  25. dude…i have installed grease monkey. i’m done with MW auto wen i open my MW acc….i have a pop up of auto player…bt i’m unable to find d settings tab. plz help out… d current window of auto player tells me have only 2 tabs, that is clear log clear stats. plz help.waiting fr ur reply!

  26. I figgured out how to fix the auto player!!!!

    Just uninstal the autoplayer on the monkey then reinstal it from the website.. F yeaaa

    OOOo…. add me on the war

  27. the stamina tap stop working for me and the autoplayer won’t fight anymore help, i’ve tried re installing it but it does not work anymore !!

  28. Hi! This is such a great site! How nice of you to go to such an extent to help all of us out. Thank you so much!
    Ok, don’t really need a cheat (yet), but I’m so confused about the jobs. I.e., if I do the ‘Hitman’ level and complete each job, am I supposed to do each one 3 times? So, do each job under each level that many times, even if it doesn’t read that you’ve reached that mastery….still shows, ‘mastered level 1’ or something like that.
    Also; this is making me want to scream. I’ve got blackmail photos and the electonic gadgets (can’t remember the name), but when I go do the job, they still have that red box around the item and i can’t do the job. How can I have those items in my posession and see on the job that I can’t do it? Do I go back and do prior jobs or should I concentrate on the mastering each one for the tier 3? I’m so sorry for the questions and rambling; I just don’t get it. Thank you SO MUCH for being so nice and for helping.

    1. I am glad to see that it helped you.. Finish each jobs on hit men level the you will see next master level .. For the jobs you need to master 3 levels.. you will get a special job mastery item after completing any Job tiers (Example Hitman Job Tire ).
      About the loot: Some job need special loot item gained from doing a job. A total of 403 will be needed for the New York job tiers. You need to do the Obtain Compromising Photos job to get blackmail photos. Have fun..

  29. Jim, thank you so much for all of your time in helping me. Do you mind if I ask you some questions about where I am now? I still just don’t get it (it’s NOT you, lol). Ok, here’s where I am, if you don’t mind. I’m at level 62.
    SOLDIER: mastered each level 3 times
    ENFORCER: mastered the 7 jobs x3
    HITMAN: (9 jobs)…(Frame Rival Cop…mastered level 1 but NOW it has the red box around the wiretap devise (x2). So how was I able to master it? Do they go back and add items you don’t have or add to them? I must have had the devise initially to master the job, right?). Plus, I have the doggone devises!
    ………Obtain Compromising Photos: I was able to get 60% done, but now has the box around the concealable camera.
    CAPO: have only mastered 3 because I don’t have the untraceable cell phone,night vision goggles and enough bodyguards. It’ll let me do the job, but will say I don’t have necessary items.
    CONSIGLIERE: ‘Fix The Big Game’…level 1 job mastery is 98% but now the illegal transaction records and cell phone are boxed out.
    UNDERBOSS: yesterday there was only one job and I go to 6%, ran out of energy. Today I have that illegal trans. records in red box.
    I’m sorry for this long post, but am just so confused. How can a job be done, then the next day have an item you don’t have to finish it? And, does it do any good for us to go back and do earlier jobs again just to level up?
    Finally Jim (aren’t you glad, lol), do you mean that on each level I need to master each job 3 times or is that just on the ones before HITMAN? I really apologize; promise I’ve read as much as I can, just gets more confusing.
    This a.m., I shook down two of my rackets and didn’t get the cash from them.
    Thank you SO MUCH for your time and trouble. Sorry to be such a pain.

    1. No problem Jude! I am here to help.. f you see Red box around wiretap devise, it means you are out of wiretap devise. Now do the job where you got wiretap devise. You need lots of illegal transaction records and cell phone … Etc. I know it boring to do finished job again and again to earn those loots. But we don’t have any choice. I know a little about the rackets because my account have Ny Business option. Zynga replaced Ny business with rackets for new users.

  30. to follow up on what gengis said. mwap is fixed and fighting again even in moscow. now for those as clueless as i am, i went and found out the easy update. look up gengis’s post and go to the link he provided. have your mafia wars page open on another tab while doing this makes it even easier. click on the mwap download on the page he said, then go back to your mw page and hit f5. it should work like a charm.

  31. Holy crap. That is all i can say! I have learned more in the last five minutes of being here than the last week of looking for Mafia Wars Cheats and links. Thank you Jim and everyone that has left comments, I will be updating my site to show some of this stuff!

  32. In Firefox 3.5.5 the game keeps on refreshing and it is very annoying … and it generally says cant load profile something something false or it says rebuilding stamina

    help me with these problems

    1. Naveed… where and when you get the error. If you are talking about mafia wars auto player then try to update the script from mafiawars autoplayer forum.

  33. i installedthe MW-autoplayer and it ran for about 10sec. after that i couldnt use my MW annymore on firefox so now i must continue on google chrome if i wanna play MW.
    the moment i installed the autoplayer the screen turend for 90% white. pleas holp me out because i think the autoplayer is the best trick ever invented and i sertainley want to use it!

    so long

    1. strange… !! disable maifawars autoplayer from GreaseMonkey .. it should fix the problem. Mafiawars developers used iFrame to disable autoplayer and other cheats. when we activate mafiawars auto player.. it breaks the iFrame .. i had no problem after breaking iFrame. If you have problem after breaking mafiawars iFrame, you can’t use auto player.

  34. Mine seems to be working great. Only problem I am having is that it wants to no do the jobs that require to do a different job in order to get the goods to do the job at hand. But works great I can win 1000’s of fights without lossing a single one.

  35. How do i dis-install the Mafia Wars Auto Player settings…i’ve been having some problems working with it so i thought i’d be better of withoutit!

    1. disable greasmonkey add-on using Firefox or right click on the monkey icon in Firefox and click on manage user scripts. Now remove check mark from mafiawars auto player.

  36. Hey folks, is there an autoplayer which allows you to automatically ‘Send them now’ for the hidden loot drops in Fights?

    This is becoming a problem and would be very fruitful if could be solved.

    Thanks for your help 😉

  37. I came across your site looking for a quick way to add people without adding people? ha… if you’re interested since they’ve disabled it, i think i can pull apart the code and make a form to enter the new form ID’s in and php style submit it from your browser. i’d just need a request to get the “add” submission values. you’ve got my e-mail get a hold of me if you want to try to figure it out.

  38. REPLY TO:
    (@ everyone: check their forum for latest update. Here is the link. I found beta script from their site and it was working when i tested that…)

    This is what I got when trying to visit that site….

    You don’t have permission to access / on this server.

    Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

  39. I installed MW autoplay last night. It keeps getting stuck when I fight, it just stalls. I’ve messed with the settings and can not get it working right, or what I think is right

    1. Sorry for the late reply.. Fighting oprion is working for me. Go to settings > Stamina. Check your lavel option.. checkmark on add my lavel .. Set minimum mafia (less than your mafia size) Save your settings. It should fix your problem.

  40. I couldnt play MW for two days, Firefox just would not load the game properly it just defaults to a blank screen, I did try to 1)refresh and 2)Cntl F5 and these DIDN’T work! So I switched to Explorer – voila! worked for quite a bit but then went blank as well!

    Do you know if this has anything to do with Zynga blocking people who has active auto script?(which worked beautifully thanks to you guys) Sadly I disabled greasemonkey from my tools bar-now it works again but without the auto script pheeeew!)

    Please let me know if there is anything else I could do to make the auto script load again.

    PS for the guy who had a question on not being able to see the whole screen for the auto script – press F11 and you should see Save Settings at the bottom.

  41. Hey guys i was wondering if anyone knows how to send the gifts with the autoplayer without it being refreshed all the time and not being able to send the gifts

  42. it was working earlier, but now every time i try to go into mafia war it keeps loading the new zbar(Zynga’s bar)? What wrong?

    1. kino.. i just installed the latest mafiawars autoplayer and it worked perfectly for me.. Here is a pic i took .. Update your mafiawars autoplayer it should fix your problem.

      Mafiawars autoplayer

        1. Its the same link… go to And click on the Install button .. If you have monkey enabled it should show you a window.. Click on Install wait while it installs the update.. Now clear your browser history and cache restart your browser and have fun…

        2. …..i installed the MWAP 1 1 12 and build 332 already….but whn i edit…cant save also…cos there no save setting icon o…is down there all blank…

          1. I see.. I can see save button .. i Don’t know why you can’t see the Save button. Try to re-install the script. Everything works fine here..

  43. reinstalled ler….but still no hab the save button..but it can onli work for some….dat it already save de….but those nt so use 1…

  44. Are they safe to play auto player if I am away from my computer or home which I work 8 hours a day then sometimes I dont have time to get on mafia when my 2 little grandkids need their mawmaw’s attentions. So I was thinking of joining this greasemonkey that will save my neck to go and use auto play. Is there any spam or virus attaching the zygany? Let me know before I install those auto play.

    1. As far as i know there is no virus in this script. No one have reported such things.. read the post and notes .. and have fun..

  45. ellow…
    may i ask something???
    does the autoplayer mafia war works when we turns off our pc???
    if it can working, can someone tell me???

      1. no….if you turn off your PC it will not work…as it is a script and it runs on your computer…it will also turn off when you turn off your browser…so obviously it will be turned off if you shutdown your PC…..

  46. I can’t play mafia wars,every time I click on jobs,fight,profile attack nothing is happening,CAN’T EVEN TRAVEL ITS BEEN LIKE THIS FOR A WEEK NOW CAN YOU HELP ME?

  47. If you have to set the maximum level more than yours. Or make the maximum level be relative to your own. For example, if your level is 10, and maximum level is set to 5, opponents higher than level 15 will be avoided.

  48. hey, im having problems with my properties collection.. when i go into settings and click the checkmarks to collect new york and all the city intakes and save settings.. after i do a job or two.. i got back into the settings and they are uncheckmarked.. is there anything i can do about this?

    1. if u r using Firefox, Disable Shockwave Flash Plugin from the Add-ons.

      Tools -> Add-ons -> Shockwave Flash -> Disable -> Close

      Hope this will help you.

      1. I tried that, no flash player nor shockwave flash player located. What is the new link for MWAP for firefox and or chrome?

  49. I have been using mafia wars autoplayer on account got to level 176 but now wont load from tools bar -just get blank screen tool bar which appears working? anyone know of similar problems?

  50. “Now go to or” not working, can anyone tell me where to find this scripts?

  51. i have done the steps but it still wont work.. i even cant find the word “instal” at my MW settings.. 🙁

  52. hello jim..
    how to check that autoplayer is working??
    u show the pic autoplayer but how can i check that in my pc??
    really need help here..
    thanks in advance..

  53. hello, i need help in making the auto play to work, i installed greasemonkey addon ,logged into my account, held the ctrl and clicked the mafia wars link .. but i could not find the auto play anywhere , could anyone be generous and help me, please

  54. try going to it’s another form of the auto player. click on “beta” then scroll down till you see “brutus helper beta” right click on it and select “copy link location” flip back to any of your mafia wars pages & paste it in you upper search bar & hit “enter” ( not to worry it will not take away your mafia screen) At this point the only thing that should change is the sides of your screen. they should be black now. now go back up to the search bar re-paste & hit “enter” this will bring up a whole new screen where you can set the times for the auto run how you like & hit “start” & let it auto run. this will pull off all jobs your friends posted on their page they need help with, & collect on anything your friends posted. should help to build you up quick. I have had it running for 5 minutes & already received 10 different kinds loot items adding up to a grand total of 19 so far! not bad in 5 min & all i been doing is typing this the whole time… but anyway I really hope you enjoy this any problems jus e-mail me @ danta2u at

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