This tutorial is about how to import sample database in MySQL Workbench. And how to make new connection on Toad for MySQL after creating database on MySQL. If you are new here then you need to read the tutorials from the links below.

MySQL Tutorial for beginners
MySQL Tutorial for beginners

We started MySQL Beginers Tutorial

MySQL Beginners Tutorial Introduction Part 1

MySQL Command Types MySql Tutorial for Beginners Part 2

Some Tools and Utilities for MySQL Tutorial for Beginners Part 3

MySql Tutorial for Beginners Part 4 – CREATE Statement

MySQL Naming Guidelines -MySQL Tutorial Part 5


To create / Import sample database, You will need to download Sample Employee Database For MySQL.

Download from Here :

Sample Employee Database for MySQL

You need to have MySQL and toad installed on your system . Now follow this Video tutorial to create new database using MySQL Workbench:

Here Are the steps to create new database for MySQL Workbench :

1. Click on Start Menu and start MySQL Workbench. Now Click on localhost to open new connection.

How to open Connection in MySQL Workbench 

2. Now Click the “open a script File Editor” on MySQl Workbench

open sql file in workbench

3. Now locate the sample sql file you downloaded from And open the file. Now click on Execute button to execute the script.

How to execute MySQL Script

Here Are the steps to create new connection for Toad for MySQL  :

1. Click on Start Menu and start Toad for MySQL . Now Click on create a new connection.

Start new connection on Toad

2. Now you will see Create New connection Window. Put now fill up the information:

New Connection Window Toad

Connection Type::  TCP

For us  the information was:
Host:: localhost

User:: root

Password:: blank

Database :: btemployee

port:: 3306

3. Now Click on Connect button to connect the database using Toad.

By Garnel

I like to write about Tips And Tutorials related topics and I blog about my personal interests. I am trying to learn the ways to Promote Blog. Sharing my limited knowledge with the world. Blogging about Tips, Tutorials, and Tweaks for Computers, Internet, Operating System, Windows Xp, Windows Vista, Office Applications, Gadgets, Science, and Technology. And Having Fun..

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