You might have noticed that typing wls on command prompt shows WSL 2 requires an update to its kernel component. At first I started to search on google without reading the whole message.

The solution of the problem is mentions with the message. To fix WSL 2 requires an update to its kernel component, go to any of the following page:Ā 


Then click on any of the highlighted link to download wsl_update_x64.msi

now double click to run the installer and follow instruction:

Windows Subsystem kernel updater.

After installation click Finish and your issue will be solved.

By Garnel

I like to write about Tips And Tutorials related topics and I blog about my personal interests. I am trying to learn the ways to Promote Blog. Sharing my limited knowledge with the world. Blogging about Tips, Tutorials, and Tweaks for Computers, Internet, Operating System, Windows Xp, Windows Vista, Office Applications, Gadgets, Science, and Technology. And Having Fun..

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