What is Backlink?

Backlinks are incoming links to a website or web page from other We. Backlinks are One of the biggest factors of ranking high in the search engines. If your website have a high rank your website will get more traffic from Search Engine. If you wish to know More about Backlinks Read this Wiki Article Here: Backlink

Do you Need some Backlinks?
If you want to build some Backlink. Have you seen website or Blogs with spam comments with links? Its all for getting Backlinks. Today I am going to share some tricks for getting Backlinks. Hope You guys gonna enjoy this.

Trick 1: Do you want to get your first Backlink Just write about your website and submit your website to About Us wiki Page. Search for this kind of wiki web site then submit  your page. Wait for search engine to to grab your link.

Trick 2: May be its an Blackhat Method to gain Backlink Quickly but easy… If you write comments on other Blogs or post in Forums you can get some links from there too. But consider not to spam. Get links on forums or blogs or comments and link back to your site using a smiley as an anchor text. Your hidden link will go unnoticed but it will help you getting Backlinks. But you will not get proper anchor text.

Here is an Example:

🙂 💡

If you click any of the above smiles it will lead you to another website. You can post on forums and include a smiley backlink, or you can leave a comment on a wordpress blog. Smiley will look just normal.
Also You can create an image of a smiley for linking your website using a innocent looking smiley.

For forums you can use


And for WordPress and other blogs you can use this


Trick 3: Using dofollow Comment Blogs sites you can get some Backlinks. Some of the blog owners removed nofollow tags from their blogs. They give their Blog readers opportunity to get Backlink from Comments. It also helps them to increase comment and webtraffic in their blog. Commenthunt searches blogs without nofollow tags its a search engine type thing you can search for relevent blogs .
Here is the website Link : Commenthunt

By Jim

About author: Jim(@bytetips) :: likes to write about Tips And Tutorials related topics and blog about his personal interests. And finding way to Promote Blog. He is a writer of : Bytetips

36 thoughts on “Hot Backlink Building Tricks”
  1. Thanks for the tips!

    Here is something a few of your readers might
    want to check out.

    It’s a totallly free service and makes for some quick bookmarks on social sites like, Propeller, Digg,Twitter,Fark and a slew of others.

    Just go to socialmarker.com and fill in your info for your link then click Submit to begin posting to 160 social bookmarking sites.

    I have gained some nice traffic from a few of them.

    Good Luck and Happy Bookmarking!

    1. @B. Simpson
      Thanks for sharing this tip. I knew about socialmaker few days ago. The only problem with social maker is you have to create a account on all the social bookmark sites. An if you submit same site or blog in same account they might ban and block your site.

      1. Good point Jim. I figured the social bookmarking was only good for a one time shot. Even if you have multiple sites, with different class C ip’s, you’d still have to create other accounts and keep them all separate to make sure you didn’t get banned. Not to mention the hassle of keeping track of all those logins. Oh what a tangled web that would weave…:)

  2. Some good tips here although I would be concious of the smiley one not to use this too often given the tactics could be construed as something other than white hat.

  3. Nice post. But i think all the blog posters do not like links in the comment and they delete it immediately.

  4. Backlinking is one of the main off-site SEO strategies and while many people put all their efforts in it for the first few days many forget about it afterwords. However with some degree of consitence backlink building your website will steadily increase in the rankings.

  5. Hey,

    Thats a nice piece of SEO trick…I really liked that….especially the one with smileys…. Great thinking…

    CigArrest Reviews

  6. The only sucky thing is that most blogs nowadays are no-followed. It’s quite difficult, at least for me, to find relevant do follow blogs that have decent pagerank.

    1. well.. its kinda difficult to find do-follow blogs easily.. but u can use some free software to get do-follow blogs. such as Fast Blog finder free Edition, The Free Blog Commenter .. i hope it helps a little.

  7. Simple but effective methods to get quality backlinks. Try to make sure that when you post on blogs they are related to your topic.
    Good post!

  8. Thanks for the information,it will come in quite handy for building backlinks to my site. Keep the info hot this helps people with business websites.

  9. Great info! I’m just now getting into the whole backlink thing, and I appreciate you sharing some tips.


  10. Never thought about the smileys before, I will have to begin clicking on them to see how many are just links! One important point – even more important than the whole no follow/follow debate is that the page you are getting the link from is indexed! Lots of people offer link exchanges and your link ends up on a noindex page! Not good Karma!

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