I was in search of a free Chocolatey open source alternative where I have more choices to customize. Finally, I found this awesome command-line installer for Windows called Scoop. It works flawlessly on Windows 10. According to Scoop website PowerShell 5 (or later, include PowerShell Core) and .NET Framework 4.5 (or later) are required for running scoop.

chocolatey open source alternative Scoop

It’s super easy to install and installing and upgrading any package is super easy. In this post, I will show where you can find steps by guide to install Scoop. The main website of Scoop is https://scoop.sh/

GitHub details can be found here: https://github.com/lukesampson/scoop

You can go to Scoop website or Scoop Github page installation section. A user can configure Scoop installation directory and Application installation directory once and forget about it. Here is the instructions provided by Scoop Github page:

You can install Scoop on a local drive by following the above instructions provided on the GitHub page Once installed here are some sample commands you can use :

scoop install appName-- to install any application
scoop list -- to list installed apps
scoop search appName -- will search available apps
scoop status -- will show status and check for new app versions
scoop uninstall appName --Uninstall an application
scoop update appName --Update apps, or Scoop itself

Another interesting part of Scoop is, it will auto-configure the environment variable and necessary configuration with the installation. It is very easy to install a development environment with minimal effort.

For example, I Installed Java, Eclipse Ide, Maven, Git, and vscode using a couple of scoop installation command and I was ready to go. I did not have to focus on configuring the applications and environment variable setups. Also upgrading any applications super easy using scoop commands.

I hope you will enjoy it. Please let us know if you have any question.

By Garnel

I like to write about Tips And Tutorials related topics and I blog about my personal interests. I am trying to learn the ways to Promote Blog. Sharing my limited knowledge with the world. Blogging about Tips, Tutorials, and Tweaks for Computers, Internet, Operating System, Windows Xp, Windows Vista, Office Applications, Gadgets, Science, and Technology. And Having Fun..

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