Do you use social bookmark sites to promote your blogs ? Social bookmarking site can promote a big-social-bookmark-iconblog or site quickly. I saw bloggers are adding social bookmark icon in their post and articles. But the icons of social bookmark sites are unnoticeable. Do you think that blog readers will search for those social bookmark icon to promote your article? Most of the readers will not notice .By adding Big, Eye-catching Social Bookmarking Icons you can help blog readers to promote your articles on social bookmark sites.You can do ir menually or you can do it by using a plugin. Follow this steps to add big social bookmark icon :

Using Plugin
1. To do this you need a wordpress plugin named sociable. Download sociable from here. We are going to edit the plugin.

2. Create or dowload Big, Eye-catching Social Bookmarking Icons. You can find good collection of big social bookmark icon from here.

3. After now extract the zip file and go to sociable directory. Replace images inside sociable/images/ directory. For example, if you want to replace digg.png inside images directory.. rename your coustomized image as digg.png and replace it inside images.

4. Now you have to edit sociable.css inside sociable directory.  Find .sociable img and edit width and height to 60px. Save it and Upload the sociable folder to wp-content/plugins. Then activace the plugin from admin panel. Select yor favorite social bookmark from admin panel > settings > Sociable and have fun.

Note: Save your Image files and modified css file to replace those in later update on sociable plugin.

You can find lots of tutorials to add social bookmark icon manually. Here is a turorial about how to add Big social bookmark Icon Manually.. Have fun..

By Jim

About author: Jim(@bytetips) :: likes to write about Tips And Tutorials related topics and blog about his personal interests. And finding way to Promote Blog. He is a writer of : Bytetips

7 thoughts on “Adding Big social Bookmarking Icons in wordpress”
  1. Using these social bars on your site can really make a difference with traffic. Was surprised at how mine picked up after adding something similar.

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