Did you heard about hitzila ? I was browsing around and found hitzila. Now you are thinking whats is hitzila ?

And You won’t believe what i found.. some people are cheating Adsense using hitzila. And i was shocked. Here is the web page i found: Hitzila

But i can’t trust this post. Here what it says in English. Is it true? I think I am wrong. If its wrong the Hitzila owner should report about this post.

For those who do not know it is a site of exchange of clicks Google Adsense, adsense is the system of pub of google, one of most known and famous for its strong rate of incomes.

For you to register there create a blog at googlepages preferably (is necessary to put a little text hein ^^) and go by: https://www.google.com/adsense/

Hitzila, therefore proposes to you to click 11 times per day on pubs adsenses in exchange of what you will have in return 11 clicks on your own pubs adsense!

How much does Ca bring back this trick?

And well I will not promise mounts to you and wonders, Ca brings back on average 2$ per day to see more what brings back for us has 60$ per month minimum!.

However will know that you can largely increase this figure thanks to the parainnage and while passing premium on hitzila, you have the right has 20 clicks per day what makes approximately 5$ per day, i.e. 150$ per month!

Searching on google i found Some people reported that they got paid from google and they are using it. An Some people said they heard people got banned from google using hitzila. But still i Can’t belive people can cheat Big G.

By Jim

About author: Jim(@bytetips) :: likes to write about Tips And Tutorials related topics and blog about his personal interests. And finding way to Promote Blog. He is a writer of : Bytetips

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